Prof. Dr. Oral Buyukozturk is Macomber Endowed Chair Professor of
Civil and Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (M.I.T) Cambridge MA. He received Yuk. Muh. Degree
from Istanbul Technical University (1963), M.Sc. (1969) and Ph.D.
(1970) degrees from Cornell University. His focus areas include
mechanics and design of concrete structures and materials for resilience
and sustainability, and sensing and structural monitoring for intelligent
cyber-physical systems. His work and publications are recognized
worldwide. Among others, his awards include Fellow of American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); Fellow of American Concrete
Institute (ACI); Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) Scotland’s
National Academy of Science; ASCE Housner Medal for structural
control and monitoring; and Golden Mirko Roš Medal from Swiss
Federal Research Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. In
2018 he received from M.I.T. the Distinguished Service and Leadership
Award for his long-time achievements.